Upon graduation from the Peace & Justice Academy:

1.    Students are academically proficient in all subject areas.

2.    Students can form literate, coherent, academic, logical and persuasive arguments in every subject area, using a variety of media.

3.    Students are equipped with tools to resolve conflicts academically, physically, mentally, and spiritually in their personal lives as well as in local and global arenas.

4.    Students actively evaluate and respond to the cultural and value-laden messages in media.

5.    Students recognize themselves in the world and the world in themselves through interactions beyond the classroom and textbooks.

6.    Students discover, internalize, and articulate personal values and beliefs in order to help them pursue lives and vocations with meaning.

7.    Students practice the ideals of restorative justice in the world, as demonstrated by the world's faith traditions, enabling them to respect and celebrate diversity in others.

8.    Students participate in active engagement with the world community, in alignment with their developmental maturity, in order to prepare for their broader participation and place in the world.