Mission & Values

Our Mission

The Peace & Justice Academy provides a rigorous college preparatory education and unique electives that emphasize a tradition of non-violent peace and social justice activism to students in grades nine to twelve. Students are nurtured in a safe, caring community in which they are awakened to the realities and challenges that will face them as adults, and prepared to stand for justice, wage peace, and impact the world.

Our Vision

Everything we do is informed by the common ethic of the world’s great faith traditions, namely the Golden Rule – treating others as we would want to be treated. We graduate responsible adults ready to serve others, working for peace and justice at home and around the world.

Our Values


We believe faith is integral to who we are and that it directs our daily behavior. We do not want to separate the spiritual from the academic or from the rest of our life. We provide for all students “a place for my faith, a place for all faiths.”


We create a safe space where we all belong. We share our joys and sorrows with each other. In times of trouble we are allies. Community is acknowledging and celebrating both our similarities and our differences.


We fight as allies for the poor, the weak, the disenfranchised, and all those who cannot fight for themselves. We know that without justice, we will not see peace.


We do not simply hate war – we love peace. We are respectful of everyone.  We respond to violence with nonviolence. We understand that waging peace is an active, not a passive, obligation.